Rate my Post has been sold to Proper Fraction

At the end of December 2023, I made the tough decision to sell the Rate My Post plugin to Proper Fraction, managed by Collins Agbonghama. While it wasn’t an easy choice, I believe it’s ultimately for the best. I launched Rate My Post back in January 2018 and have been more or less the only developer behind it since then. The plugin quickly gained popularity and evolved with numerous additional features. It had exceptional customization options and was the first AMP-compatible rating plugin. Despite its many features, it remained impressively lightweight, ensuring websites remained fast.

However, over the past few years, my availability to maintain the plugin gradually decreased. With two kids at home and managing a full-time job, my capabilities to support the plugin became limited. Therefore, plugin updates were mostly security updates and a few pull requests from other developers. In addition, my involvement in WordPress coding gradually reduced over the past few years. When I introduced the plugin in 2018, I was actively engaged in developing WordPress plugins and themes, along with creating solutions for PrestaShop. However, by mid-2020, I transitioned my focus to Magento 2. Now, my primary focus is React and Next.js. which is indeed not the stack of Rate my Post plugin.

So, it felt like the right decision to sell the plugin to somebody who will actively develop it and make it the best rating plugin for WordPress 😊 The new owner, Collins Agbonghama, is not just a developer but also an active contributor to the WordPress core. He’s a cool guy, and you can dive into his story here.

At the time of its sale, the plugin boasted over 20,000 active installs and received an impressive 130 five-star reviews. I’m genuinely thrilled to have created something that not only sees active use but is also well-liked by its users.

If you have any questions, feel free to drop a comment below.

Rate my Post and nice reviews
Rate my Post and nice reviews

Blaz K.

I’m a Denmark-based web developer specializing in React, TypeScript, and Next.js, with a strong focus on MACH architecture-based systems. I also have good experience in PHP from my previous roles as a full-stack developer working with WordPress, PrestaShop and Magento 2.

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