Rate my Post Version 3

Rate my Post Version 3 is now available. It is mostly about more organized code which allows easier scaling and modifications.

If you are upgrading from version 2.x to version 3.x remember to do the following after the update:

  • Empty page cache,
  • Clear minify cache,
  • Empty CDN cache (CloudFlare, MaxCDN etc.)
  • Open an incognito window and check if the plugin is working correctly

In case it doesn’t don’t hesitate to contact me.

What’s new in Rate my Post version 3?

  • Code refactor, many parts have been rewritten. Note that any custom CSS you have added will be lost as the plugin’s frontend has been rewritten from scratch. If you are using AMP you need to add the new CSS which is available in the documentation.
  • Better performance
  • New hooks (see documentation)
  • Allows overriding templates for complete customization (see documentation)
  • AMP Compatibility is now stable
  • Shortcode accepts post id parameter (see documentation)
  • Simplified settings
  • Average rating is now stored in post meta
  • Allows multiple rating widgets on a single web page
  • Some features have been discontinued (read below)

What has been removed?

The following features have been removed from the plugin:

  • Color the stars in rating widget – Stars are now automatically colored unless “Do not show average rating” is enabled
  • Enable half stars – Half stars are now enabled automatically
  • Do not recalculate after vote – Discontinued feature
  • Google Analytics event tracking – Tracking is automatically enabled if tracker is detected on the website
  • Count negative ratings only if feedback is left – Discontinued feature
  • Remove headings in rating widget – Paragraphs are used instead of headings

That’s about it šŸ™‚

Blaz K.

Iā€™m a Denmark-based web developer specializing in React, TypeScript, and Next.js, with a strong focus on MACH architecture-based systems. I also have good experience in PHP from my previous roles as a full-stack developer working with WordPress, PrestaShop and Magento 2.

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13 comments on “Rate my Post Version 3


I have a problem with your AMP-CSS provided in your docs… The layout looks like:

ratio star ratio star ratio star ratio star ratio star

The thing is, that the first ratio = 5 and the last = 1 (this is different to the non-AMP page. Can you please adapt your example to put numbers right to the ratio?



Hi Toengel,

have you properly applied the provided CSS? The CSS is tested with TwentySeventeen WordPress theme and some themes might need additional customizations. Try with TwentySeventeen just that we know if the CSS is applied correctly. Also, note that version 3 of the plugin has different CSS than version 2.




just wondering. You wrote in v3 AMP is stable… in your Docs and the plugin it still states BETA… (https://blazzdev.com/documentation/rate-my-post-documentation/#amp).

The CSS for AMP in your docs… is this now old 2.3 or new 3.x CSS?

And yes, the CSS is applied properly, cause it changes the output on AMP version of my page when it’s applied (when I remove the CSS, it looks different).



I just updated the CSS in the documentation. The updated style seems to work well with TwentySeventeen theme. Nevertheless, some adjustments might be required with other themes. The AMP Compatibility is stable and many websites use it. However, it does require some coding skills in most cases. The problem is that AMP functionality relies on third-party plugins (AMP and AMP for WP) and when they change something my plugin might need modifications. Since I don’t use AMP I rely on the community to inform me about incompatibility issues. So, it’s a tricky functionality for me to maintain šŸ™‚



thanks – I just updated the CSS… However, the order is still wrong:

5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1:






I would expect 5 stars at the right…

How can I manage that?

I checked your website (found link in the support forum) and the style is not there – at least not everything. That’s how the AMP rating widget looks like with the applied style. https://blazzdev.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/amprating.jpg

If you are inserting the style in Appearance->Customize->Additional CSS, you will have to confirm an exception – WordPress says that the style has an error. That’s because it includes a variable. Nevertheless, it works well anyway. By the way, how are you adding the style?


To fix the last issue, you can simply remove the following from the style:

.rmp-amp-rating-widget__results {
margin-top: -40px;

.rmp-amp-rating-widget__not-rated {
margin-top: -40px;
